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Life Saving Defibrillator at Cadbury Heath Hall

Oldland Parish Council has used CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funding to install an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), which is a life saving device that can help save the life of someone experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest. AEDs are easy to use, portable, with clear step-by-step instructions so anyone can use them, from a bystander to a trained professional. The AED is located at Cadbury Heath Hall, to the left of the main door, on the wall facing the road.

The AED is inside a locked cabinet. To access an AED in the event of sudden cardiac arrest, call 999/112 for an ambulance and give the emergency operator your location. The ambulance service will have the code to open the nearest defibrillator cabinet.

You do not need special training to use an AED as it will provide voice instructions and/or visual prompts instructing you what to do, from performing CPR to attaching the pads. See this useful instruction video on how to use an AED.

Posted on 5th February 2024

by Claire Dolman