
Getting the Environment Right


Getting the Environment Right

What you told us

The climate emergency is a hot topic especially with our younger generation.  This was brought to life through a small project completed with Parkwall Primary to get children actively engaged with this project using our interactive map.  Our children have an exceptional understanding about the need to care for our environment and how taking the smallest steps can begin to help.  Litter dominated discussions, noting not only the impact on climate change, but how littered and uncared for areas make people feel about the area where they live.  Several places were highlighted in the Cadbury Heath area and across the parish in Barrs Court, and Willsbridge. Concerns were also raised about the extent of which vegetation, hedges are cut back to the extreme and damage caused to grassed areas by heavy machinery. Concerns were also raised about pollution from traffic congestion and the need to make it safer for people to get around.  

Alarms were raised about cyclical problems of motorcycles being used on Warmley Golf Course along with historic issues of anti-social behaviour. 

We have recently had the exciting news about a successful bid made by our District Councillors Cllr Samuel and Cllr Elizabeth Bromiley to create a Jubilee Park in honour of the Queens 70th Jubilee. 

Following initial consultation Warmley Golf Course has been chosen as the preferred location. 

The park will celebrate biodiversity and encourage nature providing sustainable habitats for essential wildlife.

South Gloucestershire Council welcome your feedback and would appreciate if you could cascade this message to anyone who might be interested

If you’d like to complete the online survey, you can do so here, but you can find out more on our website, including options to download and send us a paper response.


How to have your say: 

Complete the online survey

Paper responses to the survey should be sent to:
South Gloucestershire Council
Insight and Engagement Team
Jubilee Park
PO Box 1953
BS37 0DE

Problems completing the survey?

If you have any issues completing the survey, please contact South Gloucestershire Council's Insight and Engagement team by emailing consultation@southglos.gov.uk

What we plan to do

Oldland Parish Council has declared a climate emergency.  View our Climate Action Policy Here

This means that as an organisation we take greater consideration about the way we go about our work and make choices.  This includes for instance choosing contractors to undertake work and ensuring environmental standards are met. 

Listen to what Fin from Friends of the Earth has to say about how communities can pro-actively challenge climate change by watching the video below:

Working in collaboration with the Local Authority we have created a Biodiversity Policy that will help us better protect the green spaces that we have left.  But we know we need to do much more.

We are working in close partnership with the Local Authority to raise your concerns and identify areas for improvement.  We have collaborated with a new South Gloucestershire Streeting Team to undertake work to clear littered and overgrown Pathways.  Work has been undertaken in selected areas that had been identified by residents using the Map and through directly contacting us.  This is a small initiative  developed by South Gloucestershire Council to target key areas and support the work of Parish Councils. 

We are hoping that this service will grow as demand increases.

Concerns about littered or overgrown pathways can still be raised using the interactive Map or contacting the us directly. 

Cleared pathway
Overgrown vegatation on pathway between Brayne Court and Bath Road, t

How can I get involved?

We would welcome the involvement of local people to create a long-term plan and make changes as we move forward.  We would welcome people to join a Climate Change Action Group that could work collectively to address some of the immediate concerns being raised. 

For any other information about the work of Oldland Parish Council or opportunities to get involved please contact us via e-mail: steve.skidmore@oldlandparishcouncil.co.uk or on the phone: 0117 9673941

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


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